Tuesday, June 2, 2015


This post took a couple of days to complete.

I've stewed over it for a bit.

I had a community member ask me where I was working this Summer.

My response was home, getting new ideas and plans for next year's class.

Their response, oh so you aren't working...


I have an entire book bag of professional books I want to read to help me become better.

I've been working on creating new lessons, thanks to those new books, and also to my tweeps giving me new ideas.

I'm challenging myself: via home projects, work for school, and also working as needed on the school janitorial staff.

So, I didn't even know how to response to the comment.

It floored me, it upset me, and it has motivated me to work even more for my next year's group.

Bottom line: a good teacher is always challenging wanting to grow, so while we may not be in a classroom, we are learning. We are preparing, we are connecting with others, we are seeking input and changing because of that input.

So, yes, I am working.