Thursday, August 27, 2015

Re-Energized via PLN!

The school year is back on! 
We've been back for a week: it's time to start blogging ideas again! 

Last night, I took part in two wonderful Twitter chats #sdedchat and #worldgeochat 

I love my building staff, but I love to reconnect and make new connections with my PLN. 

Things I took away: 


I've gotten some great ideas for my students from chatting with these other wonderful teachers! 

I want to try a zombie escape - much like @SrtaLisa  did for her students: Seriously WAY cool! 

I also want to do more with Mystery Skypes / Mystery Hangouts this year -- planning is already in progress! 

I also realized I have valuable "stuff" to contribute. 

When I started to teach geography, another teacher gave me a packet they got from a meeting - teaching the Five Themes of Geography by using the NFL. I've tweaked it some each year, and soon I'll have this year's revamps done. Pages will come soon! 

I also shared the MR. HELP for geography - something I stumbled on YEARS ago on the web - sorry, no idea who came up with it. 
M - ovement
R- egions
H - uman
E - nviroment Interaction
L - ocation
P - lace

PLN, You seriously rock - because you expand my learning everyday!