Wednesday, April 29, 2015

PLN Power

I can say going to #TIE15 has re-energized me. I am more excited about school, but bummed that the school year is almost over. There is so much more to do!!! Seeing my PLN twerps helped, and reconnecting with Twitter chats are amazing!!!

When I first started Twitter, I thought it would be for posting "I ate pizza...." but I WAS WRONG!!! I can instantly connect with wonderful teachers, consultants, and classrooms!!! THEY HELP ME SO MUCH!

Beyond that, I like using it in my classroom for trending hash tags. These provide opportunities for real time discussions of the world and how events unfold.

Monday, April 27, 2015


A new hash tag appeared on Twitter day (or new to me). I love the idea; instead of all the negative about it being Monday focus on the positive.

I know it helped me keeping all that in mind! I'm not in Nepal, Boston, or any where I don't feel safe. I've got great students.

Sometimes, I need the remind that life isn't all doom and gloom; sure those same students may grate on my nerves when things aren't going well, but then they do something AMAZING, COMPASSIONATE, KIND, ETC... And that reminds me of how great we as a group are!!!

We started international projects today, their curiosity is sparked, they are finishing #geniushour projects, they are reading, they are making connections to the larger World, they are growing (Seriously, I'm the second shortest in the class!!), they are making choices and dealing with the consequences. They are becoming adults.

On the home front: I love coming home and relaxing, petting my boys (cats), playing ball with my girls (dogs). I love reading. I love my family, even when we don't see each other enough!


Saturday, April 25, 2015


So, I've been accused of using Twitter to much ;). I'm okay with that. Here's why: the ability to "meet" people online and plan a project in minutes! My online PLN is providing learning opportunities outside of my four walls! We are close to getting a #mysteryskype, and we are developing two videos to share with other schools. ALL THIS is the past 48 hours!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Maker Space

I realized something today, #makerspaces are really about letting people get creative... While providing the directions to assist. I helped build a new cabinet. 
That then got me thinking about my own growing up on the farm. We had #makerspaces all around. The sandpile, the grove, a friend's pond, the camper... really anywhere outside. In icky weather there were boxes, and all kinds of things to make into a project. It just took some creativity.
I didn't know if I had what it takes for creating a space... I now know I do. I've got the technology skills to assist AND plenty of creativity!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

STEM - Day 3 Reflection

K (Potassium!) - today was pretty awesome. I know I don't directly teach Science, but man I can come up with ways to use the information from today to make some amazing Geography lessons. 

First, let us start with Biomass - basically, any living thing. HOWEVER, imagine if we as humans could take items - like corn stalks - 

13 Days

So, I've not done my blog for a LONG time.
#TIE15 got me thinking about it again.
I've reflected daily, but not shared those reflections. I've only got thirteen days before this school year is over... Seriously, where has the year gone???!!!???
I have set my goals:
1. Help my students finish up the year strong!
2. Try three new things from TIE.. Kahoot, Augmented Reality project (I'm going to surprise my students with one of their projects.
3. Share more: Tweet, Blog and Email.

I like feeling more connected to my online PLN. I've missed the interaction.