Friday, August 1, 2014

School - 17 Days! Some of my plans: Focus: English

I hope you have looked up #FMSBlizzard on Twitter - he's been making the rounds!

I've also been reviewing what I liked / thought helped last year - right now, the focus is on English. I know my students struggled with the concept of sentence types. I know my students this year will, also. So, last year I created "The Minons Do Grammar" Link to my document:

It really helped the kids understand sentences, and I plan on using it this year. (I did think about redoing it with new movies - but I've not seen any that I really want to relate to sentence types.) Additionally, I plan to incorporate the use of ELA interactive notebooks - which I've done somewhat before, but I conscientiously am going to focus on this to help students this year! Thank goodness for Pintrest - it's where I've gotten several pictorial ideas on how to make them work better than ever! Plus, with my new Twitter connections, I know I can always get help from another professional!

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