Friday, July 25, 2014

Day 5 - Wrap Up STEM

Today, we finished at Sanford Underground Labs. It was great to help come up with the idea of new ways the Labs could reach out to teachers -- there is so much they are doing! I'm very interested to see what they can get done in the future for educational support.

The other portion of the day was sharing our lesson plan ideas. I must say, I believe we came up with great ideas to implement into classrooms and get students excited about STEM. Even though I don't directly teach STEM - it directly links to Social Studies and ELA by the complex interactions of humans and their environment. Additionally, show me a profession that you don't need ELA to excel in!

Overall, I've met some great people and plan to work with them from across the state!

PS - I like you all, but I'm happy to be home for a bit!

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